
AgentFORCE for Agents
per agent/per month
Concierge and Staging
Up to 8 agents
Concierge web portal
Vendor quotes in over 200 categories
BINSR estimates within 24 hours
Professional home staging and design discounts
Interactive client follow up
Branded confirmation emails to client
Special member pricing from corporate partners
Setup Fee: $99 one time
AgencyFORCE for Teams and Agencies
per agent/per month
Concierge and Staging
Teams with 9+ agents
Agency-branded concierge web portal
Custom URL
Vendor quotes in over 200 categories
BINSR estimates within 24 hours
Professional home staging and design discounts
Interactive client follow up
Add your own vendors to Concierge Portal
Branded confirmation emails to client
Special member pricing from corporate partners
Setup Fee: $399 one time